jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2014

"When you live completely in each moment…

 …without expecting anything, you have no idea of time." ~Shunryu Suzuki

Practicing Slowness & Being Present : zen habits
…when do we think we’ll find happiness?
If it’s not here right now, when will it come?
Maybe we think it’ll come when we improve our lives, or meet our goals, or succeed at our business, or finish our college degree. Maybe it’ll come when we go on that next trip, or when we find time to relax. Maybe tomorrow. …
Let the beauty of this moment wash over you like a warm foamy wave.
These are all things we already know. But we don’t actually do them. The key here is practice.
If you don’t practice being present, slowing down, enjoying the moment right now, when will you practice?

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