jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Lean Startup Model: Not Just For Startups Any More – Steve Blank

Keep Failing Fast Til You Succeed
Steve Blank's Lean Startup Model: Not Just For Startups Any More – ReadWrite:

"… The principles of the lean startup - failing fast and continually iterating and learning – certainly pose a challenge to traditional processes at corporate behemoths – but Blank argues that adopting the lean startup model is now “essential for the survival of business.” …

… Big businesses, Blank said, became so “focused on execution, they forgot how to innovate. …

… lean startup is now about “continuous innovation inside existing companies.” It’s all part of the evolution of business, Blank explained: “Never underestimate [the impact] of stepping out of the box. Think different. Ask, ‘Why is this different?’ ”…

… Big Data analysis doesn't spell the end of the time-honored business precept of going with your gut, Blank said. Rather he believes using the data to make better decisions is what makes a company “explosive.”… 

Risk = Not Getting Your Hands Dirty
In the end, Blank believes companies get into trouble when they “fail to understand what customers want.” It’s easier to avoid failure if you “build a customer-centric business,” Blank said. “You need to get your hands dirty,” he said.
Thats why Blank warned companies to stop chasing “the romance” — the way you think things are, and start pursuing “the realities” — the way things actually are.

Entrepreneurial Impact: The Role of MIT

Un estudio de 2009 … interesante todavía (PDF, en).

vía @liftapp "The superior man is modest in his speech, …

… but exceeds in his actions."

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

N. d P.: Cursos oficiales de Hadoop por Pragsis Bidoop

La gente de bidoop me alerta de los próximos cursos de hadoop en Madrid, Barcelona y México DF.

Madrid, 21 de mayo de 2013.- 
De acuerdo con la consultora Gartner, el volumen de datos generados crece anualmente de forma exponencial en todos los sectores.Cada minuto se crean cantidades masivas de datos procedentes de teléfonos móviles, páginas web, aplicaciones de imagen y de vídeo, redes sociales, dispositivos móviles, sensores, etc. Y esto es sólo el principio. Según las previsiones de IDC, en 2020 habrá 40 zettabytes (40 mil millones de terabytes) de información digital en todo el mundo. 

El almacenamiento, tratamiento yanálisis de grandes volúmenes de datos a través de tecnologías especializadas en Big Data como Hadoop se está convirtiendo en un reto para las empresas y en una oportunidad profesional a corto y medio plazo. 

Extraer valor de grandes volúmenes de datos desestructurados es una tarea compleja: requiere el empleo de tecnologías que van más allá de las herramientas tradicionales, así como de profesionales especializados que sean capaces de interpretar estas informaciones, otorgando valor a los datos. 

Grandes corporaciones como Telefónica, Inditex, BBVA, Caixa Bank, Iberdrola y varias entidades de la Administración Pública están ya abordando proyectos Big Data. Según sostiene la consultora IDC, la adopción de estas tecnologías se acelerará de forma llamativa en el próximo año: en 2014 se espera que el 19,4% de las empresas incorporen Big Data a sus procesos, lo que supondría un incremento del 304% con respecto a 2012. 

Consciente de la necesidad de formar perfiles profesionales adecuados a las nuevas demandas del mercado, Pragsis Bidoop, empresa española pionera en soluciones Big Data, ofrece desde 2012 cursos de especialización en Hadoop para administradores y desarrolladores certificados por Cloudera, referente mundial en tecnologías Hadoop. 

Los cursos, de una duración de 3-4 días, se ofrecerán durante el próximo mes de junio en Madrid, Barcelona y México DF. En esta convocatoria se incorpora como novedad Essentials, un monográfico de 1 día de duración dirigido a arquitectos, managers técnicos y jefes de proyecto interesados en conocer los principales componentes del ecosistema Hadoop y cómo se pueden aplicar dichas tecnologías a su negocio. 

Para más información sobre los cursos,consulta nuestra oferta de formación. 

María Bravo Galán Departamento de Marketing y Comunicación de PRAGSIS BIDOOP 

La nota de prensa en Taringa

Computer's are today's pencils (in education) | opensource.com

El Instituo Krandem está trabajando en la restauración de ordenadores a los que instala Ubermix (un sistema operativo open source) con un paquete de más de 60 aplicaciones educacionales, para el aprendizaje y científicas …

Kramden Institute and open education | opensource.com

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

To Attract New Grads, Hire Like a Start-Up

Unless corporations adapt their recruiting practices quickly, we will continue to see a brain drain away from corporations and toward start-ups

To Attract New Grads, Hire Like a Start-Up - Elli Sharef and Nick Sedlet - Harvard Business Review

In order to avoid being left behind, large corporations would do well to listen to the millennial ethos that emphasizes change and personal impact. Some specific steps these corporations should take:

  • Weave company values and impact-driven language into recruiting material, and overall company messaging.
  • Emphasize the company's vision and mission to employees on an ongoing basis. Involve them in strategy conversations to make candidates feel they are a part of something they can impact.
  • Offer ample room to grow, and some leeway for employees to pursue their own ideas — like Google's "20 percent time" policy.
  • Get better at identifying and promoting young talent early on. They likely won't wait around for more than a year for that first promotion.
  • Consider offering sexy (often low-cost) perks, like start-ups do (e.g., free massages or an Ubercar allowance). If this isn't possible at the corporate level, give managers leeway to bestow these perks on a one-off basis, as rewards for exceptional work.
  • Offer equity in addition to salary. Millennials like to feel as though they have skin in the game.

Diseño básico para NO diseñadores

vía @Cristina F. Alvariño:  Diseño básico para NO diseñadores.

Apple CEO Tim Cook pounds another nail into the Keynesian coffin – MacDailyNews - Welcome Home

Nunca fui fan de Reagan … supongo que no me gustaba que fuera actor antes que presidente.
El caso es que esta me parece una buena frase … y un concepto de la individualidad en mi opinión bien entendido: "El individualismo y el necesario servicio al colectivo que forma nuestro entramado social para que sea una buena práctica".

Apple CEO Tim Cook pounds another nail into the Keynesian coffin – MacDailyNews - Welcome Home

“One thing our founding fathers could not foresee… was a nation governed by professional politicians who have a vested interest in getting reelected. They probably envisioned a fellow serving a couple of hitches and then looking forward to getting back to the farm.” – Ronald Reagan

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Sobre founders, CEOs, COOs y otras hierbas (en)

Reid weighed in eloquently on this topic. “[to be CEO you need to] devote substantial time to time consuming things like running meetings and other business process. You can’t just do the exciting stuff like making the final call on product and speaking at conferences, while shuffling off everything else to the mythical COO who loves doing all the dirty work and doesn’t want any of the credit
Should You Consider Replacing Yourself as CEO? Both sides of the table long post (almost 3 entries) worth reading.

“Being there at the start isn’t the only path to being a founder.  “Founder” is a state of mind, not a job description.”

The Design Koans

Designers engineer experiences to deliver results that matter

The Design Koans

NO. The one word shouldn’t exist in an entrepreneur’s vocabulary

I want to know. And I have nothing to fear in the answer. 
The One Word That Shouldn’t Exist in an Entrepreneur’s Vocabulary

"… Hold interviews with tech people, marking people, ops people, finance people – whatever. They always finish the interview with a “thank you” and barely ask next steps.

Any great sales person will ask you at the end of the meeting, “So, how’d I do? Who else have you spoken with? How do I stack up? What do I need to convince you of to get an offer? What is the next step in the process?”

Great sales people are trained to “ask for the order.” If you interview a sales person and they don’t ask for the order, be worried.

I like to flip things on their heads. I like to ask in reverse in interviews, “If we did get aligned to offer you this role, do you plan on accepting? What other offers do you have? What do we need to do to win? What steps do you still need before you decide to go with us?” …"

Guía básica y herramientas para crear tu base documental (Knowledge Management))

@EvaMoya_co Guía básica y herramientas para crear tu base documental (Knowledge Management))

Steve Jobs finally defeats the PC – from beyond the grave – MacDailyNews - Welcome Home

Steve Jobs finally defeats the PC – from beyond the grave – MacDailyNews - Welcome Home

When we were an agrarian nation, all cars were trucks, because that’s what you needed on the farm. But as vehicles started to be used in the urban centers, cars got more popular. Innovations like automatic transmission and power steering and things that you didn’t care about in a truck as much started to become paramount in cars… PCs are going to be like trucks. They’re still going to be around, they’re still going to have a lot of value, but they’re going to be used by one out of X people. – Steve Jobs, June 1, 2010
Read more at http://macdailynews.com/2013/05/16/steve-jobs-finally-defeats-the-pc-from-beyond-the-grave/#1XZ0lu1a6yIkjwmL.99 

La felicidad se deriva de una actitud virtuosa ;-)

@liftapp "Happiness does not consist in pastimes and amusements but in virtuous activities." ~ Aristotle

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Go between = Go beat win

Juego de palabras de Karim sobre el negocio de la intermediación comercial … el "go between".

Por cierto, me ha hablado también del Servant leadership - Wikipedia un modelo de liderazgo que desconocía por esa "etiqueta". Un pequeño repaso (con referencia a Herman Hesse incluída) aquí.

Larry Spears, CEO of the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership, describes servant-leadership as "a way of being in relationship with others. Servant-leadership seeks to involve others in decision making, is strongly based in ethical and caring behavior, and enhances the personal growth of workers while improving the caring and quality of organizational life."
Servant leadership, essentially, is a journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness.

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

We Update You

@acornella ha contado un millón de cosas interesantes hoy en la versión corta de We Update You tras  la entrega del premio Emprendedor XXI de la Comunidad Valenciana.

He intentado "tuitear" todo lo que decía, se me ha ocurrido crear un hashtag por concepto (los que tienen un paréntesis en la entrada) y también por las páginas web (la parte más definitoria del url o la marca cuando no había una web…). Se me ha ocurrido que a partir de ahí se puede indagar en lo que interese o llame la atención.

La lectura sería de abajo arriba, ya que lo he sacado de mi timeline y ya sabéis que pone arriba lo más nuevo… 

#corporategarage (HBR)

#thenatureoftechnology (libro de Brian Arthur)
#fisicacuantica (idea)

#smart (concepto)
#datascientist (empleo)

#instruccionesvíatwitter (proyecto)


 (piensa en esto … )
#rollsroyce (pago por uso)

#siri (asistentes personales, idea)
#3millonesDeHorasDeTesteo (considéralo)



Picasso y las curvas de Bezier

Porque sale Nicka, si no no creo que enlazara esta entrada nunca, por eso y porque a la vez creo que a alguien le gustará esto …

Bezier curves and Picasso

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Meditation cannot be explained but can be experienced!! | Meditation Photography

Meditation cannot be explained but can be experienced!! | Meditation PhotographyExperince and Explanation 1

Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley | Video on TED.com

… if the conditions are right, life is inevitable.

Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley | Video on TED.com

"… The first principle is this, that human beings are naturally different and diverse.
The second principle that drives human life flourishing is curiosity
And the third principle is this: that human life is inherently creative. 

Death Valley is the hottest, driest place in America, and nothing grows there. Nothing grows there because it doesn't rain.Hence, Death Valley. In the winter of 2004, it rained in Death Valley. Seven inches of rain fell over a very short period. And in the spring of 2005, there was a phenomenon. The whole floor of Death Valley was carpeted in flowers for a while. What it proved is this: that Death Valley isn't dead. It's dormant. Right beneath the surface are these seeds of possibilitywaiting for the right conditions to come about, and with organic systems, if the conditions are right, life is inevitable.

There's a wonderful quote from Benjamin Franklin. "There are three sorts of people in the world: Those who are immovable, people who don't get, they don't want to get it, they're going to do anything about it. There are people who are movable, people who see the need for change and are prepared to listen to it. And there are people who move, people who make things happen." And if we can encourage more people, that will be a movement. And if the movement is strong enough, that's, in the best sense of the word, a revolution. And that's what we need.…"

Un cuento sobre dos emprendedores (en)

Mis profes en #mitedp @ MIT-Sloan, Bill Aulet y Fiona Murray, en "A Tale of two Entrepreneurs" defienden las empresas escalables y que pueden operar globalmente frente a las empresas de carácter local cuyo alcance, por el modelo de negocio está más limitado.

Como plantean no es que un modelo sea mejor que otro, pero sí opinan que los "apoyos" gubernamentales deben destinarse más impetuosamente a las primeras ya que pueden generar más riqueza y más empleo, por definición. 

"… Even more important, organizations that intend to support either IDE (innovation-driven enterprises) or SME (small and medium enterprisesneed different metrics for success and should be judged over a different timeframe. SME programs are regional in their focus and, if well-executed, can provide for a short-term payback, but are unlikely to have a dramatic impact on large-scale job creation. Investment in supporting SMEs also is attractive because it can be geographically targeted, so a politician can more easily directly support his geographically assigned constituents. In contrast, an organization addressing IDE entrepreneurship must have the flexibility to address long-term strategies for economic growth, which can be slower to produce desirable results and often requires a range of stakeholders engaged in IDE acceleration beyond just entrepreneurs—large corporate partners, universities, and risk capital providers also must come to the table. Yes, IDE entrepreneurship is more challenging, but it offers much greater potential upside in the long term. Take Italy as an example of the shortcomings of a confused strategy, as the Wall Street Journal described in November 2011. In Italy, entrepreneurs stay small, in trusted regional markets, because government policies discourage their aspirations for growth. Italy’s economic woes partly are due to the entrepreneurs who do not plan for IDE creation, but instead stay focused on approaches for establishing more traditional SMEs.

Given these differences, organizations that combine SME and IDE entrepreneurship tend to falter. Regardless of their stated intentions, over time they tend to allocate proportionally more resources to SME at the expense of IDE because of the need for immediate and visible results.

If job creation and economic prosperity are the goals for a government, IDE entrepreneurship must be a major element of government strategy and policymaking. IDE generates many more new jobs and more exports than SME. And to ensure that IDE entrepreneurship has the right support structures, separate and equitable organizations will need to be set up, with different programs and mindsets, to support SME and IDE entrepreneurship. "

No perdamos de vista que son estadounidenses y no cuentan con que aquí nuestra clase política es bastante más … "compleja" ;-)

Llegué al "cuento" a través de un artículo en Forbes.

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013

El culto del hacer

El culto del hacer vía Andrés Schuschny

  • 1. Hay tres estados del ser: no saber, la acción y el terminar.
  • 2. Acepta que todo es un borrador. Esto ayuda a lograr que las cosas se hagan.
  • 3. No existe el estadio de edición.
  • 4. Pretender que se sabe lo que se está haciendo es casi lo mismo que saber lo que estás haciendo, así que acepta que sabes lo que estás haciendo, aunque no sea así, pero hazlo.
  • 5. Destierra la procrastinación. Si esperas más de una semana para realizar una idea, abandónala.
  • 6. El objetivo de hacer no es el de terminar de hacer, sino el de poder hacer otras cosas.
  • 7. Una vez que hayas terminado siempre puedes tirarlo.
  • 8. Ríete de la perfección. Es aburrida y te impide estar haciendo hasta el final.
  • 9. Las personas que no tienen las manos sucias están equivocadas. Hacer algo te hace tener razón.
  • 10. Equivocarse cuenta como lo algo hecho. Así que comete errores.
  • 11. La destrucción es una variante del hacer.
  • 12. Si tienes una idea y la publicas en Internet, eso cuenta como un fantasma de algo hecho.
  • 13. Haberlo hecho en sí, es el motor de hacer más.

Stop DRM in HTML5

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Pitching a VC, Leave The Backstory At Home

The NYC-based Wilson also says that he’s looking for pitches that sound crazy. When something sounds extremely far-fetched, Wilson says that he’s ready to hear more about the idea.

Fred Wilson On Pitching A VC: Leave The Backstory At Home | TechCrunch

Wilson explained: “What you need to do is get people engaged in the conversation as soon as you can. They have 10, 15 or 20 slides. If you only get through one slide because the partnership hijacks the conversation, it’s a good thing.”