domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2018

Do we know why customers would want us to transform? (by @TrendWatching)

 Digital Transformation & Consumer Trends report:
Before you embark on an expensive and ambitious digital transformation project, don’t just ask, ‘do we know why we’re transforming?’
Instead ask the more important question, ‘do we know why customers would want us to transform?’ 
…we’d like to offer four reasons why too often the focus on ‘digital transformation’ misses the point, and show how injecting a consumer trend perspective can help increase your chances of success above that 50% mentioned above.
1. Focus on outcomes, not tools and technologies
     Why do your customers care that you even exist?
2. Embrace the journey, rather than a destination
     Every organization will need to be in a state of constant digital transformation.
3. Escape legacy thinking
     Why protect legacy ‘assets’ that have become liabilities?
4. Pursue opportunity, rather than fear
     You can never overshoot on customer experience

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