sábado, 20 de enero de 2018

Innovation Metrics vs Execution Metrics (by @strategyzer)

 established companies frequently apply execution metrics--metrics designed to manage the existing business--to innovation projects. … How you measure results for a known and proven business model or value proposition substantially differs from how you measure progress in an innovation project for an unproven potential business model.

Innovation Metrics vs Execution Metrics — Strategyzer

At Strategyzer, we are currently working on an innovation metrics project with three large multinational companies. In the table below we sketch out the challenges these companies face when distinguishing between execution and innovation metrics.

With the table below we want to emphasize that it’s critical for companies to design a set of metrics specifically dedicated to innovation projects.

The most difficult one to “sell” is the mindset that (in innovation projects) the “cost of failure” is a positive investment in learning. In execution, the “cost of failure” is just a bad thing.

lunes, 15 de enero de 2018

18 cambios exponenciales en tecnología que nos esperan en 2018 (de @techreview_es)

 by @azeem Azhar los 18 cambios exponenciales en tecnología en 2018 | MIT Technology Review en Español

1. Las relaciones internacionales, la economía y la política necesitarán desesperadamente nuevas medidas para adaptarse a la revolución digital 
2. Si bien Silicon Valley lidera el sector, la innovación y la escala de negocios se producen cada vez más en otra partes del mundo 
3. Crecerá el flujo de dinero hacia la tecnología, pero se concentrará en las últimas etapas 
4. El desarrollo de software de inteligencia artificial continuará distanciándose del software tradicional 
5. La inteligencia artificial será la prioridad de inversión en tecnología para las grandes empresas 
6. Vamos a demostrar cada vez más cómo la inteligencia artificial está aumentando las capacidades humanas 
7. La discusión sobre cómo la IA afectará al empleo pasará de centrarse exclusivamente en la eliminación de puestos de trabajo a cuál es la mejor manera de ayudar a los trabajadores a adaptarse a este cambio inevitable 
8. Las criptotecnologías serán más importantes y comenzarán a demostrar su utilidad 
9. Las sórdidas revelaciones sobre la cripto-especulación quedarán olvidadas frente a la gran cantidad de dinero que generan esta clase de activos 
10. KITT, el coche fantástico, seguirá siendo el modelo para los vehículos autónomos 
11. Los servicios de salud se volverán cada vez más interesantes para los emprendedores 
12. Habrá un nuevo ciberataque que sorprenderá en términos de escala o de calidad 
13. Las elecciones de mitad de legislatura de Estados Unidos serán una guerra sistemática de información 
14. La realidad aumentada continuará a fuego lento en lugar de hervir 
15. La publicidad digital ha sido invasiva durante demasiado tiempo, y este año sufrirá 
16. La necesidad de energía de la cripto-minería eclipsará el crecimiento de las energías renovable 
17. La ética impulsará cada vez más las elecciones del consumidor y las estrategias de inversión 
18. Buda, Aristóteles, Hayek y Marx vuelven

viernes, 5 de enero de 2018

The Tech Backlash by @FredWilson

 from What Happened In 2017 – AVC:

The Tech Backlash:
Although I did not get much right in my 2017 predictions, I got this one right. It was easy. You could see it coming from miles away. Tech is the new Wall Street, full of ultra rich out of touch people who have too much power and not enough empathy. Erin Griffith nailed it in her Wired piece from a few weeks ago.
Add to that context the fact that the big tech platforms, Facebook, Google, and Twitter, were used to hack the 2016 election, and you get the backlash. I think we are seeing the start of something that has a lot of legs. Human beings don’t want to be controlled by machines. And we are increasingly being controlled by machines. We are addicted to our phones, fed information by algorithms we don’t understand, at risk of losing our jobs to robots. This is likely to be the narrative of the next thirty years.

How do we cope with this? My platform would be:
  1. Computer literacy for everyone. That means making sure that everyone is able to go into GitHub and read the code that increasingly controls our lives and understand what it does and how it works.
  2. Open source vs closed source software so we can see how the algorithms that control our lives work.
  3. Personal data sovereignty so that we control our data and provision it via API keys, etc to the digital services we use.
  4. A social safety net that includes health care for everyone that allows for a peaceful radical transformation of what work is in the 21st century.

13 European startups acquired by U.S. tech giants in 2017

It’s evident that computer vision is a massive trend, as it will have many applications in the future — from photo-categorization to self-driving cars. This obviously fits into the over-arching category that is artificial intelligence, which has been an emerging trend for a few years now.
15 European startups acquired by U.S. tech giants in 2017 | VentureBeat


1. Beddit (Finland)
2. SensoMotoric Instruments (Germany)
3. Regaind (France)
4. Shazam (U.K.)


5.  Fayteq (Germany)

Alphabet / Google

6. Limes Audio (Sweden)
7. AIMatter (Belarus) 


8. Simplygon (Sweden)


9. GameSparks (Ireland) 
10. Goo Technologies (Sweden) 


11. Zenly (France)
12. Strong.codes (Switzerland)


13. Wercker (Netherlands)

lunes, 1 de enero de 2018

10 predictions for 2018 (by @Nesta_UK)

10 trends, tech breakthroughs and social movements for the year ahead
10 predictions for 2018 | Nesta

  1. Drones deliver public benefit, not just parcels
  2. Humans and machines will create prize-winning art
  3. The year the internet goes green
  4. Guiding the smart machines
  5. Tech giants race to buy a healthcare provider
  6. SimPolicy: smarter policy through simulation
  7. Regulators wake up to consumer data
  8. The collaborative economy changes direction
  9. The nation state goes virtual
  10. Emotional surveillance goes mainstream

Just in case you wonder how they did it last year… Predictions 2017: How did we do?

Regarding prediction 8:
Disrupting the disruptors: The collaborative economy changes direction
In 2018, collaborative economy workers will start truly collaborative organisations to disrupt the marketplace once again, say Alice Casey and Peter Baeck. 
The new organisations: platform cooperatives
Platform cooperatives connect dispersed resources and workers through the web, offering a collectively governed alternative to the centrally-owned platforms. This affects how revenue flows to workers, and beyond into communities. Workers share ownership, and take a role in governance and allocation of any surplus income generated. Instead of focusing on creating profit for shareholders, a cooperative model focuses on distributing income generated in line with members’ wishes. These innovative organisations are increasing in numbers and testing a range of operating models.

Platform coops offer the following features in contrast to dominant centralised platforms: 
SurplusSurplus funds generated above the operating cost of the organisation are voted on by members - and often shared among them. They may be reinvested in the organisation’s development or in some cases to support agreed causes. There is no one size fits all approach to allocating revenue surplus. Stocksy paid out $200,000 in dividends to its photographer members and offers high royalty rates, turning over $7.9 million. Open technology makes it easier to allocate and distribute income generated in various ways that were previously impractical; digital agency Outlandish uses cobudget to allocate openly; Fairbnb intends to donate surplus to improve the neighbourhoods where rental properties are located. 
Collective governanceMembership models mean that workers can have a say in an organisation’s governance, and multi-stakeholder models such as Fairshares also give others, such as buyers or beneficiaries, a say too. Enabling meaningful members’ input at scale may be tackled in part through using collaborative technology such as Liquid Democracy and Loomio. This could help focus on quality and accountability. 
Alternative growthFederated coops offer a way for technology to be owned centrally, but governed by groups of coops or social value organisations. The marketplace Fairmondo creates units within countries, currently powered by Sharteribe technology. Networks such as Enspiral offer digitally-enabled ways to grow organisations, currently numbering 300 contributors. Decentralised organising offers another way to distribute governance and finance at scale, exploiting blockchain to verify transactions. Commune and Arcade City are experimenting with this in transportation. Resonate music offers a ‘stream to own’ model, which charges you a price per play until you’ve paid for the track. 
Social impactThere is a need to support further experimentation in joining coops with platform technology to address social challenges differently. Increased worker involvement and platform tech offers some promise for social challenges such as adult social care. Inspiration is offered by Buurtzog, a non-profit foundation - though not a coop - it empowers care workers to manage their own workload, focus on quality and take decisions using tech to support this way of working, turning over €280 million. Pioneers include Care and Share Associates, a coop model of social care, and icare, a platform created to manage care data.